Thursday, June 9, 2011

What are wiper fish and how do i catch them

Wiper are a mix between a striped bass and a white bass they are found in lakes all around the states they are a fun fish to catch and if you cook it the right way they are pretty good fish to eat. This wiper was caught at a local lake and was caught on a silver spoon i mostly catch them on lures that run about 3 feet under the water surface. I found that later in the afternoon i would say atleast after 4 o clock is a good time to use lures or just as the sun is coming up and hiting the water. Catching this fish weature your eating it or just doing it for fun is a blast and i recommend it to anyone whos getting used to lures and or doest have to much experance fishing these are pretty fast bitting fish and are not to hard to real in but still put up a decent fight. The fish in the picture top right was about 3 and a half pounds to four pounds and the one on the top left was about 3 pounds both caught on a silver spoon lure. Good luck and have fun

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