Monday, June 13, 2011

Using the right line for your pole

There are many options for line at the store now if you have a ocean pole your going to be able to use alot more heavyer lines then you would be able to with a lake pole. With my lake pole i would only go up to about 10 lb test maxium any thing below that should be fine. Now there can be some exceptions like using that line called spider wire which is alot smaller but has a stonge breaking point which if your using that you proable could fit 80 lb test because it has a diamitor of 12 pound test. Now trying to us regular 20 lb test on a lake pole the line just wants to unravel every time you cast which can make for alot of bird nest and not a fun day of fishing. With ocean poles or cat fish poles you can go up to about any thickness line you would like to use just remember weature your fishing a in a lake or ocean try and use a lighter color line espacially in lake fishing as fish will see the line and be scared away ive caught alot of lepard sharks and rays with huge line but they just dont seem to mind and i think thats because they feed off the bottem same with sturgents but with sturgents just remeber to use a three foot wire leader because they like to run the line across there back and break it or cut it a wire leader prevents that. Hope this was helpfull

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