Monday, June 13, 2011

Catfish noodling or fisting learn how

Catfish can be caught in many differnt ways one of the more interesting ways is to use your hand as bait. All you need is a bathing suit and a lake with catfish and your ready to have a good time. Just go to a area that has alot of rocks or a muddy leadge. Basically cat fish lay eggs in a cave or holes underwater and then the males go into the cave and guard the eggs. When you stick your hand or hands underwater you feel around into these caves and what happens is the catfish will bite you not out of hunger but defending the eggs and he wont let go. Now it doesnt hurt to bad but its like sticking your hand  into some sand paper so you might bleed alittle if the fish gets the better of you but that doesnt happen to offten for the most part its a fun safe sport. Now ive heard of storys of big cat fish pulling people down but they say as long as you just let go you will be alright kinda scary so it takes a little more guts to do this but works good in a survial situation too if you have any more info i might have missed go ahead and comment.

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