Monday, June 13, 2011

River fishing

Some simple things to remember about fishing in a river is where the fish feed now alot of trout like to sit at the bottem of  a bunch of rapids and wait till the food comes to them. So what i do is set up at the bottem of some rapids and cast a worm or whatever bait im using and cast into the fast moving water and letting it float down to the fish. With a lure i like to stand down stream and cast upsteam and bring the lure downstream not across the river because most fish wont swim against the current or sideways to it thats always good practice to remember your trying to make your lure look like a smaller fish. Now there are many kinds of fish that live in rivers all around the world. When you fish for salmon you use eggs also known as roe and cast it out and wait for the small pulling on your line thats the male salmon moving the eggs so he can fertilize them thats when you set the hook. Now people have caught salmon on lures but the only reason they do is because the male salmon is protecting its terrotory when they spawn they wont eat and that is part of the reason why they die. Other fish you might see in a river are bass,cat fish,trout,carp, and depending how close you are to the ocean many saltwater fish can stand a little fresh water even bull sharks swim into rivers and kill people but that isnt to often and not in many places. So where ever you happen to be fishing do a little research and us some of these tips and before you know it you too will be hooking into some nice size fish.

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