Saturday, June 11, 2011

Using lures more effective

There are many ways to make lures more effective for catching fish including the time of day you use them and the way you reel them up. A good way to start using lures if you dont have much experiance is just the way you reel up doing 3 reels slow then 3 fast and when you get better you start doing quick jerking motions but not to fast you dont want to make it impossiable for the fish to catch up to the lure. Another good tip is not to reel stright toward the shore always try to go at angles you have to think like a fish and most fish dont swim in one direction they change quite offten the more you watch minnows in the shallow water will give you a better idea of how to try and make your lure work. Remember that casting into areas that are more unforgiving like near trees and sunken logs you stand a better chance of catching fish and change your place more often dont work one part of the lake all day do a few cast and move a few feet down the more area you can cover the better chance you have of catching more fish. They also make a spray for lures that puts fish oil on it that makes it much more attractive to fish. With lures your most likly to catch differnt kinds of bass,trout,and other predator fish or other fish that might be aggressive protecting there eggs. Salmon sometimes bite a lure but its not out of hunger its out of anger so keep these things in mind when fishing and you will have much better odds for catching fish.

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