Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Fishing near dams a good place to fish

Fishing next to or near dams is a good place to catch some big fish i know that in america when fishing for rainbow trout to get some of the bigger ones you need to be near a dam they like to sit way down in the cold water. Ive also heard of cat fish big enough to swallow a young kid im sure there are many other fish that live down in that deep cold water. So if you on a lake with a dam i would spend some time trying your luck near the dam i think it is against the law to fish from a dam but not the shore or a boat check with your local laws to make sure everything is all good if you like this blog site try clicking on a add or leaving a comment thanks for comming on by

Monday, June 13, 2011

Catfish noodling or fisting learn how

Catfish can be caught in many differnt ways one of the more interesting ways is to use your hand as bait. All you need is a bathing suit and a lake with catfish and your ready to have a good time. Just go to a area that has alot of rocks or a muddy leadge. Basically cat fish lay eggs in a cave or holes underwater and then the males go into the cave and guard the eggs. When you stick your hand or hands underwater you feel around into these caves and what happens is the catfish will bite you not out of hunger but defending the eggs and he wont let go. Now it doesnt hurt to bad but its like sticking your hand  into some sand paper so you might bleed alittle if the fish gets the better of you but that doesnt happen to offten for the most part its a fun safe sport. Now ive heard of storys of big cat fish pulling people down but they say as long as you just let go you will be alright kinda scary so it takes a little more guts to do this but works good in a survial situation too if you have any more info i might have missed go ahead and comment.

Catching cat fish

Catching cat fish is one of the more exciting fishing that you can do in lakes and rivers. First your going to need some stink bait they sell all different types you just have to go to your local bait shop ask them what they like using the best or you can try for your self. Your going to want to get little nets they should sell them at your bait shop or in the fishing section of major chain stores. Then you put the stink bait in the net and hook the net without use of the net the bait will just disapper in the water and you wont catch nothing. Stink bait works the best but worms work and other things too they are just a bottem feeding fish. There are many other ways to caught these fish and some of them will be gone over in the future of this blog such as cat fisting or noodleing both the same thing with differnt names the cat fish in the picture is just a baby they get much much bigger then this and once in the newspaper where im from a 110 lb cat fish was caught but i dont think it was a record because they get alot bigger ones down in south america and over in other parts of the world. Now when you get one there about some of the best tasting fish that you will ever eat just throw a little flour on them and fry them up thats some good eating i will also try and put some recipes on how to cook up fish.

River fishing

Some simple things to remember about fishing in a river is where the fish feed now alot of trout like to sit at the bottem of  a bunch of rapids and wait till the food comes to them. So what i do is set up at the bottem of some rapids and cast a worm or whatever bait im using and cast into the fast moving water and letting it float down to the fish. With a lure i like to stand down stream and cast upsteam and bring the lure downstream not across the river because most fish wont swim against the current or sideways to it thats always good practice to remember your trying to make your lure look like a smaller fish. Now there are many kinds of fish that live in rivers all around the world. When you fish for salmon you use eggs also known as roe and cast it out and wait for the small pulling on your line thats the male salmon moving the eggs so he can fertilize them thats when you set the hook. Now people have caught salmon on lures but the only reason they do is because the male salmon is protecting its terrotory when they spawn they wont eat and that is part of the reason why they die. Other fish you might see in a river are bass,cat fish,trout,carp, and depending how close you are to the ocean many saltwater fish can stand a little fresh water even bull sharks swim into rivers and kill people but that isnt to often and not in many places. So where ever you happen to be fishing do a little research and us some of these tips and before you know it you too will be hooking into some nice size fish.

Best times to go fishing

From the experiance ive got from my 25 years of fishing is that early in the morning is the best time but also good times are in the evening and at the dead of night the worst times i would say are in the middle of the day but dont let that stop you from going and trying from my expericance the best time to go fishing is when there biting and your catching them so try differnt times and keep track and before you know it you will have a list of when you caught the most fish and that should give you a good idea of when and where you got the most fish.

Using the right line for your pole

There are many options for line at the store now if you have a ocean pole your going to be able to use alot more heavyer lines then you would be able to with a lake pole. With my lake pole i would only go up to about 10 lb test maxium any thing below that should be fine. Now there can be some exceptions like using that line called spider wire which is alot smaller but has a stonge breaking point which if your using that you proable could fit 80 lb test because it has a diamitor of 12 pound test. Now trying to us regular 20 lb test on a lake pole the line just wants to unravel every time you cast which can make for alot of bird nest and not a fun day of fishing. With ocean poles or cat fish poles you can go up to about any thickness line you would like to use just remember weature your fishing a in a lake or ocean try and use a lighter color line espacially in lake fishing as fish will see the line and be scared away ive caught alot of lepard sharks and rays with huge line but they just dont seem to mind and i think thats because they feed off the bottem same with sturgents but with sturgents just remeber to use a three foot wire leader because they like to run the line across there back and break it or cut it a wire leader prevents that. Hope this was helpfull

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Using lures more effective

There are many ways to make lures more effective for catching fish including the time of day you use them and the way you reel them up. A good way to start using lures if you dont have much experiance is just the way you reel up doing 3 reels slow then 3 fast and when you get better you start doing quick jerking motions but not to fast you dont want to make it impossiable for the fish to catch up to the lure. Another good tip is not to reel stright toward the shore always try to go at angles you have to think like a fish and most fish dont swim in one direction they change quite offten the more you watch minnows in the shallow water will give you a better idea of how to try and make your lure work. Remember that casting into areas that are more unforgiving like near trees and sunken logs you stand a better chance of catching fish and change your place more often dont work one part of the lake all day do a few cast and move a few feet down the more area you can cover the better chance you have of catching more fish. They also make a spray for lures that puts fish oil on it that makes it much more attractive to fish. With lures your most likly to catch differnt kinds of bass,trout,and other predator fish or other fish that might be aggressive protecting there eggs. Salmon sometimes bite a lure but its not out of hunger its out of anger so keep these things in mind when fishing and you will have much better odds for catching fish.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

What are wiper fish and how do i catch them

Wiper are a mix between a striped bass and a white bass they are found in lakes all around the states they are a fun fish to catch and if you cook it the right way they are pretty good fish to eat. This wiper was caught at a local lake and was caught on a silver spoon i mostly catch them on lures that run about 3 feet under the water surface. I found that later in the afternoon i would say atleast after 4 o clock is a good time to use lures or just as the sun is coming up and hiting the water. Catching this fish weature your eating it or just doing it for fun is a blast and i recommend it to anyone whos getting used to lures and or doest have to much experance fishing these are pretty fast bitting fish and are not to hard to real in but still put up a decent fight. The fish in the picture top right was about 3 and a half pounds to four pounds and the one on the top left was about 3 pounds both caught on a silver spoon lure. Good luck and have fun